Janine O'Donnell
Louise McCormick
Contact Trauma Liaison
Janine O’Donnell 0141 451 8497
Louise McCormick 0141 451 5644
Trauma Liaison Mobile: 07890901439
Email: ggc.rhcorthotrauma@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Working Hours
Mon-Thurs 07.30 - 17.30
Friday 07.30 - 17.00
Trauma Liaison Service
Our Trauma Liaison service is designed to not only support children and their families, but ensure your child has the best possible experience throughout their treatment journey. They support children and their families after an emergency admission under the care of the orthopaedic team. This is usually with a broken/fractured bone but includes many other conditions including bone and joint infections.
The team will introduce themselves to our patients and their families during their hospital stay. They will work with the ward nursing staff to facilitate discharge, co-ordinate any aids that might be required and also be there during any follow up appointments in our fracture clinic.
The Trauma Liaison team can be contacted directly by families with any queries after discharge.
In addition, Janine and Louise work tirelessly in the background. They are building up databases, making patient information leaflets, auditing our practice and contributing to national research.